[3dem] Open positions for PhD students and postdocs at the Jasnin Lab, Helmholtz Munich

Jasnin, Marion marion.jasnin at helmholtz-muenchen.de
Tue Oct 25 00:48:34 PDT 2022

Dear all, 

My group has recently moved to the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus ( [ https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.pioneercampus.org/__;!!Mih3wA!Gj9tlMCx5pkPJ1f_bkK2IX0pt11GFatkBo2kzVuiXbryFIBEQfUeYdi2mqaPUNx-Jtx3Z3gGXuJdVkD-Hth_6wuP5ya6AkqHMeistnY$   | https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.pioneercampus.org__;!!Mih3wA!Gj9tlMCx5pkPJ1f_bkK2IX0pt11GFatkBo2kzVuiXbryFIBEQfUeYdi2mqaPUNx-Jtx3Z3gGXuJdVkD-Hth_6wuP5ya6AkqHqrcvP1E$   ] ) at Helmholtz Munich and is looking for new group members! 

We are searching for highly motivated PhD students and p ostdocs to help us explore the diversity of actin structures involved in invasion, including podosomes (Jasnin et al. Nat Commun 2022), invadopodia, and other actin-propelled membrane protrusions, as well as in actomyosin contractility (Burbaum, Schneider et al. Nat Commun 2021). Our goal is to elucidate the structural principles governing actin functions across scales, and to provide an integrated view of the mechanisms of force generation by actin networks in cells. 

Our group uses in situ cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) methodologies, including c orrelative cryo-focused ion beam milling (cryo-FIB) sample preparation and image processing to explore these structures directly inside the native cellular environment. We develop computational tools for in-cell structural analysis of actin organization. We are looking for people with a keen interest or experience in the cryo-ET workflow and image processing. For all these exciting projects, we collaborate with international teams of biologists, biophysicists and biochemists to combine structural, molecular, cellular and theoretical approaches. 

For more details, visit our online job portal: 



or contact me at: marion.jasnin at helmholtz-muenchen.de 

The application file should include a short introduction about your background and goals, a full-length CV including a list of publications, and contact information for two references. 

We will continue to accept applications until the positions are filled. Munich is an amazing place to live, and this is a unique opp ortunity to help build a new hub for in situ cryo-ET at Helmholtz Munich. 



Marion Jasnin 
He lmholtz Pioneer Campus 
Helmholtz Munich 
Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 
85764 Neuherberg near Munich 
Phone: +49 (0)89 3187 43896 
[ mailto:marion.jasnin at helmholtz-muenchen.de | marion.jasnin at helmholtz-muenchen.de ] 

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