[3dem] Map of Cryo-EM Worldwide

Alex Noble anoble at nysbc.org
Mon Jul 25 12:45:33 PDT 2022

Dear cool people,

The worldwide cryo-EM map has been significantly updated:


(short URL: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tiny.cc/cryoem_map__;!!Mih3wA!A-v0ClSWmASGbic8138gFyEHAMg8svF0_h-_I0DSlHLeMSVkgB-1px4TkPGo89sfGMsLEe5DRM5ctHQG-w$ )

Updates include:

  *   All Krioses, Glacioses, and Arcticas have been identified to within ~5% error,
  *   A section called 'Cryo-EM tools & other scopes' has been added to catalogue other EMs like screening scopes and general equipment like plunge freezers and sputter coaters,
  *   Tundras have been added,
  *   200 more cryo-EM labs have been added.

I can use your help! I have the following requests:

  *   For some Krioses, Glacioses, and Arcticas, I only know the city they are in instead of their exact locations. If you know the exact locations for any of these, please email me.
  *   If you work at JEOL and have a list of sub-4 angstrom instruments (CryoARMs, 3200s, etc) to anonymously share with me, please email me.
  *   If you have a microscope on order that is not listed, especially Tundras, please email me.
  *   Feel free to email me a list of general cryo-EM equipment at your institute if it's not on the map already.
  *   Any missing instruments or labs, and general feedback of course!

With over 100,000 views, I think this map has been quite a successful project and will hopefully continue to be useful. Let's keep doing fun science in this awesome field! And let's not forget to always support each other - there are many more cryo-EM projects than there are people to do them.

Best wishes,
Alex Noble, SEMC

From: Alex Noble
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 9:02 AM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>
Subject: Map of Cryo-EM Worldwide

Dear cool people,

I would like to share with you an open-source map of cryo-EM instruments and labs worldwide:


short URL: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tiny.cc/cryoem_map__;!!Mih3wA!A-v0ClSWmASGbic8138gFyEHAMg8svF0_h-_I0DSlHLeMSVkgB-1px4TkPGo89sfGMsLEe5DRM5ctHQG-w$ 

A few years ago, Wen Jiang (Purdue) started a cryo-EM google map of Krioses in the USA. With the help of the cryo-EM community on Twitter, Lucas Farnung (Harvard) expanded it to Krioses worldwide, then I expanded it to CryoARMs, Arcticas, Glacioses, Polaras/TF30s, cryo-FIB/SEMs, and 650 cryo-EM labs.

The idea is to geographically catalogue all cryo-EM instruments that are capable of routinely producing near-atomic resolution specimens or data, and to geographically catalogue all labs that perform research in the field of biological cryo-EM. Hopefully this resource allows all cryo-EM scientists to know what instruments and labs exist in their geographical locations of interest so that they can plan their experiments more efficiently and go where they are treated best.

I am sure that there are missing instruments, missing labs, and errors in the map. Please contact me by email or Twitter to add/fix anything. My apologies if I have missed your lab! Note: There is a search function in the map so you can quickly locate labs and equipment.

Best wishes,

Alex Noble (tw: @alexjamesnoble<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/alexjamesnoble__;!!Mih3wA!A-v0ClSWmASGbic8138gFyEHAMg8svF0_h-_I0DSlHLeMSVkgB-1px4TkPGo89sfGMsLEe5DRM4zF2NWeg$ >), SEMC
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