[3dem] Postdoctoral position on Bacterial Warfare - eBIC, Diamond Light Source Ltd, UK
Davies, Karen (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
karen.davies at diamond.ac.uk
Tue Feb 1 03:52:48 PST 2022
Dear All,
We are excited to announce that eBIC, (UK's national cryoEM user facility) has an opening for a highly self-motivated postdoctoral scientist to study the molecular basis of target cell recognition used by bacterial warfare complexes. The successful candidate should have a strong background in molecular cloning, protein purification and protein structure determination using either X-ray crystallography or cryoEM. The project aims to develop high-throughput structural determination pipelines to assess how changes in tail fibre sequences affect receptor binding specificity.
The successful applicant will have full access to all the state-of-the-art lab equipment located at RCaH<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.rc-2Dharwell.ac.uk_&d=DwIFAg&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=k0gJDYv3fvf0aBDGCGhqmCBdpees27Ut1fQr4m0QCNK-yywoQmuYAejRrQSEiXsf&s=4fw89TJsB9mMH-QSfJLs9UovKH8YEXZk1-In660Wzpo&e= > and the electron cryo-microscopes at eBIC<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.diamond.ac.uk_Instruments_Biological-2DCryo-2DImaging_eBIC.html&d=DwIFAg&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=k0gJDYv3fvf0aBDGCGhqmCBdpees27Ut1fQr4m0QCNK-yywoQmuYAejRrQSEiXsf&s=MujR5vv2u620_6aKgrzi8BxgxYP8kyQEBjd4McfNZzI&e= >. In addition, they will be able to access different beamlines at Diamond Light source including XCHem, B24, and the MX beamlines through the submission of in-house research proposals.
For more information on the project visit PDRA - CryoEM on Bacterial Warfare (10730) (diamond.ac.uk)<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__vacancies.diamond.ac.uk_vacancy_pdra-2Dcryoem-2Don-2Dbacterial-2Dwarfare-2D472034.html&d=DwIFAg&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=k0gJDYv3fvf0aBDGCGhqmCBdpees27Ut1fQr4m0QCNK-yywoQmuYAejRrQSEiXsf&s=3t9aLT6QSGIRvoTngIE-AkSTcoNiOZa-byLtI4b045U&e= > or contact karen.davies at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:karen.davies at diamond.ac.uk>.
Karen M. Davies (DPhil)
Principle Beamline Scientist
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, UK
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