[3dem] In-situ cryoET of tissues - senior postdoc and research assistant positions at Rosalind Franklin Institute

Grange, Michael (RFI,RAL,-) Michael.Grange at rfi.ac.uk
Fri Dec 9 02:05:30 PST 2022

Dear all,
There are two positions in my group currently open at the Rosalind Franklin Institute, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. The two positions are geared towards the use of plasma FIB milling and cryoET towards investigating disease-relevant changes in tissues.

We have 2 cryo plasma FIBs: a prototype TFS Arctis, with co-incident fluorescence and autoloader and a TFS Helios Hydra pFIB with integrated fluorescence and lift-out. We also have a Titan Krios G4, as well as a suite of other instruments across EM and Mass Spectrometry: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rfi.ac.uk/research/__;!!Mih3wA!EkQh9xaHIjFrfcwOW3JKpYtW7ZR44mLdLgtqThrwHEyr6CU8ftaEqCcEOyljc952ZbFYcd7lwJ6p_dcku-nPl1b4A2DJ0g$ 

The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a national research institute dedicated to developing new technologies to table important health research challenges. The Franklin aims to create technologies which represent a factor of ten shift from the status quo. These disruptive new technologies will allow us to see the biological world in new ways – from picometre-scale atoms to centrimetre-scale tumours.

Senior postdoctoral research associate: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://opportunities.rfi.ac.uk/vacancy/senior-postdoctoral-research-associate-508029.html__;!!Mih3wA!EkQh9xaHIjFrfcwOW3JKpYtW7ZR44mLdLgtqThrwHEyr6CU8ftaEqCcEOyljc952ZbFYcd7lwJ6p_dcku-nPl1aAQ3ogxA$ 

Research assistant: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://opportunities.rfi.ac.uk/vacancy/research-assistant-508024.html__;!!Mih3wA!EkQh9xaHIjFrfcwOW3JKpYtW7ZR44mLdLgtqThrwHEyr6CU8ftaEqCcEOyljc952ZbFYcd7lwJ6p_dcku-nPl1YuJUOscA$ 

Please feel free to contact me with any informal enquiries for either role. Deadlines are 9th January 2023.


Michael Grange, D.Phil.,
Group Leader,
Structural Biology,
The Rosalind Franklin Institute,
Harwell Research Campus,
Oxfordshire, OX11 0FA
Email: michael.grange at rfi.ac.uk

I sometimes send emails outside of normal working hours. If you receive an email outside of the time in which you normally work, of course, please feel no obligation to reply immediately.

The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1179810) and Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales (No. 11266143). The institute is funded by UK Research and Innovation through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

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