[3dem] Multiple positions in Maofu Liao Lab at SUSTech

Maofu Liao maofuliao at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 05:52:42 PST 2022

The Maofu Liao lab at Southern University of Science and Technology
(SUSTech, Shenzhen China) has multiple openings for Postdoctoral Fellows
and Research assistant/associate Professors.

The research in Liao Lab focuses on using cryo-EM to understand molecular
mechanisms of biological processes, as well as leveraging structural and
mechanistic insights to accelerate drug development.
Check the full publication list:
Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sustech.edu.cn/en/faculties/maofuliao.html__;!!Mih3wA!Azinveg-c2vc9E8hmIZtKaoqFVxXIPCuPhoK5DgvrCJcYT5oSdv9MyylWp1kcMZbFmVj1OFckhBgmvUNZkQg$ 

We offer globally competitive salary/benefits and excellent research
support. The EM facility at SUSTech houses six Titan Krios, Aquilos
Cryo-FIB, Talos L120C G2, Volumescope 2 SEM, Helios G4 UC DualBeam
microscope, etc. Shenzhen is a remarkably vibrant and dynamic city, located
in the center of the booming Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

Applicants with research experience in the following areas are highly
1) Protein biochemistry and structural biology;
2) Mass spectrometry;
3) Computational biology (virtual screen, MD simulation, AI, protein
design, …);
4) Gene editing of model organisms.

Interested applicants should submit their CV and a brief introductory
statement to Dr. Maofu Liao at: liaomf at sustech.edu.cn
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