[3dem] PDBx/mmCIF data files to include PI information

Sanja Abbott sanja at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Sep 24 06:39:34 PDT 2021

    PDBx/mmCIF data files to include PI information

PI name, email, and ORCiD ID will be publicly available in PDBx/mmCIF 
data files starting September 24, 2021
PI name, email, and ORCiD ID will be publicly available in PDBx/mmCIF 
data files starting September 24, 2021

wwPDB continues to support research, education, and drug discovery 
worldwide. Open access to PDB data has helped researchers in 
structure-guided discovery and development of anti-coronavirus drugs, 
vaccines and neutralizing antibodies. When researchers analyze existing 
PDB structures, such as working on a similar structure, they may often 
need additional information impossible to retrieve from the PDB entry 
file alone. In particular, it is not possible to obtain a point of 
contact in cases where there is no associated primary publication for an 

Following a recommendation from the IUCr Commission on Biological 
Macromolecules and the IUCr Committee on Data 
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__journals.iucr.org_a_issues_2020_06_00_es5023_index.html-23SEC4.4&d=DwICaQ&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=7cNA5Xm4fwnIW8TSIDcMXTWWIXIeiwarzi16hOBG1DQ&s=BHclIoUHJoYWVUwNoxO-gBguwTtahoMoZvlyrJfTxik&e= >, 
wwPDB will make public the PI name, email address, and ORCiD ID for 
initial PDB depositions or re-submissions made, starting September 24, 
2021. This will enable contact with the authors of every released PDB 
structure as of that date. This release will also align the PDB with the 
standard practices of providing corresponding author information by 
scientific journals

The dated acceptance of these PDB Terms and Conditions described above 
will be captured within the OneDep system. The responsible depositor who 
creates the deposition should make entry PI(s) aware of the policy 
change to include PI name, email address, and ORCiD in public PDBx/mmCIF 


Sanja Abbott
Bioinformatician and Project Lead
Cellular Structures and 3D Bioimaging
European Bioinformatics Institute
Welcome Trust Genome Campus
CB10 1SD
Tel: 01223 49 4300

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