[3dem] Cryo-EM Assistant Professor position at Stony Brook University

Dongyan Tan dongyan.tan at stonybrook.edu
Sun Nov 21 18:32:50 PST 2021

Dear all,

The Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Stony Brook University
invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant
Professor. Candidates using cryo-electron microscopy techniques to explore
cutting-edge questions of structure and function are encouraged to apply.

Comprising faculty in both the College of Arts and Sciences and the School
of Medicine, the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology in an active,
collaborative community of scholars with broad research interests dedicated
to both scientific discovery and education at undergraduate, graduate and
postgraduate levels. The successful applicant will join an active and
growing structural biology group and will have access to a professionally
staffed cryo-EM facility housing a 200kEV Talos Artica with a Falcon 3EC
direct electron detector. Potential collaborations are available within the
Department, in the Stony Brook Center for Structural Biology, and at the
Laboratory for Biomolecular Structure at the nearby Brookhaven National

Candidates must have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. in biochemistry, chemistry,
structural biology, or a closely related field, as well as at least two
years of postdoctoral experience. Candidates must have demonstrated
excellence in innovative research and have a strong commitment to teaching
at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
To apply, visit https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__apply.interfolio.com_97667&d=DwIBaQ&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=XlzNYFXyg8UNoqjPBLSa6n01XZLsV16G4xvvj4ROInUBEaEHDKskKB-bIN2Bmzpx&s=87KlwIigcFmuLZMTFq6ifJlV1p3NdsUc55ylrp59M8s&e= .

Dongyan Tan

Dongyan Tan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Pharmacological Sciences
Basic Science Tower 7-127
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY11794-3400
Phone: 631-638-1286
Email: dongyan.tan at stonybrook.edu
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