[3dem] Fully-funded PhD at the University of Liverpool

Agnel P Joseph a.joseph at mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk
Wed May 26 08:41:41 PDT 2021

Dear All,

We have a PhD position between the University of Liverpool and CCP-EM, please see details below. Please pass on this information to any plausible candidates you know. Thanks


Title: Efficient matching of protein structures to cryo-EM map segments

Initial deadline: June 30th

This project will develop creative methods and software to efficiently match protein structures to cryo-EM map segments. The structures may be complexes, chains or domains and may derive from experimental or computational studies. The map segments may be derived with reference to map symmetry, by their inferred secondary structure composition or using signals of supersecondary motifs that they contain. The resulting software will eventually be distributed as part of the CCP-EM suite.

You will be based in Liverpool but will benefit from extensive collaboration with the CCP-EM consortium. You will join a nurturing and productive group with a strong track record in software development at the interface between bioinformatics and structural biology. You will learn transferable skills in computational science and programming, working in an area of biology relevant to drug discovery and current health challenges.

More details: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/efficient-matching-of-protein-structures-to-cryo-em-map-segments/?p132810__;!!Mih3wA!TIY5jxLGTaWgzhAJL0yXI8kVHVEZRsYnnXlAktXxx3hghcDmgeo6wniqNCFUCXDJgQ$  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/efficient-matching-of-protein-structures-to-cryo-em-map-segments/?p132810__;!!Mih3wA!TIY5jxLGTaWgzhAJL0yXI8kVHVEZRsYnnXlAktXxx3hghcDmgeo6wniqNCFUCXDJgQ$ >

Requirements: You will have at least a good B.Sc. 2:1 in Biological or Life Sciences, or possibly in a computational subject. An interest in programming, especially with Python, is a requirement.

Informal enquiries: drigden at liv.ac.uk <mailto:drigden at liv.ac.uk>.

To apply: please send a CV and covering letter (plus references if available) to drigden at liv.ac.uk <mailto:drigden at liv.ac.uk>

Funding: This studentship is funded jointly by CCP-EM and the University of Liverpool for 4 years. Funding covers tuition fees at the UK rate only, a Research Training and Support Grant (RTSG) and stipend at the UKRI rate (currently around £15,600 per year). Funds for travel and conference attendance are also included.

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