[3dem] Postdoctoral position to study the structure and function large, dynamic protein-nucleic complexes

James Berger jmberger at jhmi.edu
Wed May 26 06:46:15 PDT 2021

Dear Colleagues:

A fully-funded postdoctoral position is open in my group at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine for using cryo-EM approaches to study the structure and function large, dynamic protein-nucleic complexes.

Applicants should have a demonstrated track record of impactful publications and experience in cloning, expressing, purifying, and biochemically analyzing proteins and protein complexes. Experience in using single particle cryo-EM, X-ray, or NMR approaches is advantageous but not essential. Resources available for cryo-EM studies include a Titan Krios equipped with a Gatan K3 detector, a 200 keV Talos equipped a Falcon II detector, and a 120 keV Talos equipped with a CETA CMOS detector. The K3 will be upgraded to a Falcon IV/Selectris detector later this year, and plans are underway to install a Glacios screening microscope as well.

In addition to EM, the laboratory offers rich training opportunities with complementary structural (X-ray crystallography, SAXS, and NMR) and biochemical (bulk and single molecule) approaches that can be carried out in conjunction with selected research projects. There are a number of ‘shovel ready’ projects available in the lab; for information regarding some of the systems and research problems we work on, please visit https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://berger.med.jhmi.edu/__;!!Mih3wA!R7Sdt-s-vJEUDmNrJ8BfXx7UYHBOAL6CbcWSGm7MNNCigfgWCilWdnvoM0gPaoPiSA$ .

The lab is committed to mentoring and career development, with a robust history of supporting postdoctoral researchers and aiding their successful transition to independent faculty and industry group leader positions. For candidates who are eligible by nationality, we also have an excellent track record of helping individuals secure independent US or foreign postdoctoral fellowships for career advancement.

Interested applicants can contact me by email. Please provide a CV, a brief statement of interest, and 3-4 letters of reference.

Thank you for your attention,

James Berger
Professor, Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
Director, Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
jmberger at jhmi.edu<mailto:jmberger at jhmi.edu>

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