[3dem] broken autogrids transfert station

John Rubinstein john.rubinstein at utoronto.ca
Tue May 18 10:09:26 PDT 2021

Hi Marion,

Kliment Verba from UCSF previously shared a file (see email below - just checked and his file is still available)
We haven’t made a replacement ourselves but it will be the first thing I try if/when we need to (CNC milling with Delrin - probably from a website like https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.hubs.com__;!!Mih3wA!RCTiK1uqXtbmnYOmOVDhwMoLoQfPLJ2zy8vSyYdlCvBR1UZBD5evJCTFUDUgPR3u2Q$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.hubs.com__;!!Mih3wA!RCTiK1uqXtbmnYOmOVDhwMoLoQfPLJ2zy8vSyYdlCvBR1UZBD5evJCTFUDUgPR3u2Q$ >)


Hi everyone,

we had a couple of the loading stations for the autoloader (Krios, Arctica) crack and leak at the bottom. FEI told us that they were not repairable and would cost 15k a piece. I tried to be hip and 3D print the parts first but in my experience they would all crack and leak after a couple of cooling cycles. So, I made a 3D model for CNC milling and these work as good as the original parts. We used the company called FATHOM (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://studiofathom.com/__;!!Mih3wA!RCTiK1uqXtbmnYOmOVDhwMoLoQfPLJ2zy8vSyYdlCvBR1UZBD5evJCTFUDUJMXERIA$ ) here in Oakland and within about 10 days they can mill these things out for about $400 a piece. We tried aluminum, teflon and delrin. It seems like the original material is Delrin and is probably the best choice. Aluminum is definitely not optimal as it takes a while to cool and frosts over quickly. Teflon doesn't deform as much as Delrin but other than that seems similar. Here is the link to the zip archive of the 3D model in three different file formats .igs, .stp, .ipt. The first two you can give to any 3D milling service and they will be able to make the part. The .ipt is the Autodesk Inventor 3D file, so, you can open and play/modify it. Autodesk Inventor 3D is free (as I think are all the Autodesk products) for students/.edu addresses. I also include a pdf file with instructions on how to disassemble the station.

Link to the archive: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Hsr6HpDHOd3mbroT7kja8jTkjseITBg-__;!!Mih3wA!RCTiK1uqXtbmnYOmOVDhwMoLoQfPLJ2zy8vSyYdlCvBR1UZBD5evJCTFUDVDbbjsEw$ 



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John Rubinstein
Molecular Medicine Program
The Hospital for Sick Children
686 Bay Street, Rm. 20-9705
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https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.rubinsteinlab.org__;!!Mih3wA!RCTiK1uqXtbmnYOmOVDhwMoLoQfPLJ2zy8vSyYdlCvBR1UZBD5evJCTFUDXrjoj3rw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.rubinsteinlab.org__;!!Mih3wA!RCTiK1uqXtbmnYOmOVDhwMoLoQfPLJ2zy8vSyYdlCvBR1UZBD5evJCTFUDXrjoj3rw$ >

On May 18, 2021, at 12:29 PM, Marion Decossas <m.decossas at cbmn.u-bordeaux.fr<mailto:m.decossas at cbmn.u-bordeaux.fr>> wrote:


Hi all,

Our transfert station has just broken. It's leaking and no longer holds liquid nitrogen. Does anyone knows if we can repair it, make a new one with 3D printing or just buy this part alone ?

Thanks in advance



Marion Décossas IR / Krasteva lab
Chimie et Biologie des Membranes et des Nanoobjets
CBMN - UMR 5248 / CNRS-Université Bx-IPB

2 rue Robert Escarpit
33600 PESSAC

Bâtiment B14 BIS
Allée Geoffroy de Saint Hilaire
33600 Pessac - FRANCE

Tél:  33 (0)6 68 10 28 05
m.decossas at cbmn.u-bordeaux.fr<mailto:m.decossas at cbmn.u-bordeaux.fr>

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