[3dem] 2 PhD positions in Structural Mitochondrial Biology at CPR, University of Copenhagen

Eva Kummer eva.kummer at cpr.ku.dk
Wed Mar 10 22:14:32 PST 2021

Dear colleagues,

2 PhD positions in structural biology of mitochondria will be available in my newly established lab at the Novo Nordisk Center for Protein Research (CPR) at University Copenhagen. Our group has a deep interest in understanding the biology of human mitochondria with a specific focus on how these important organelles maintain their DNA and how they produce functional RNA species. The candidates will employ single-particle cryo-EM to understand the structure and working principles of mitochondrial machines involved in these processes.

We are looking for highly motivated candidates that are eager to acquire new methodology and have a genuine interest in understanding molecular mechanisms. At CPR, you will join an interdisciplinary, collaborative and supportive environment. The institute provides access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and instrumentation including a Titan Krios and a Glacios both equipped with Falcon III DED, as well as multiple smaller screening instruments. In addition, the center entertains a number of core facilities including protein production, crystallography, biophysics, high performance computing, mass spectrometry, and genomics. So you will find everything that is needed to help you succeed.
For informal inquiries, please contact me directly: eva.kummer at cpr.ku.dk<mailto:eva.kummer at cpr.ku.dk>. Applications, however, will have to be submitted via the online portal: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://employment.ku.dk/phd/?show=153662__;!!Mih3wA!UmiSEyNbs8a3gX94iS6WNCYK7b80ZAo8FTNdpUd6uShU8Uq8-br7Xnj9_cR59hBy6A$ 

For further information about the lab, please refer to:

Application deadline is 11 April 2021!

I would appreciate if you could forward this advertisement also to interested candidates that may not be part of the mailing list. Thank you!

All the best,

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