[3dem] Post-doctoral position(s) available in London

Basil Greber basilgreber at gmx.net
Tue Mar 2 09:32:40 PST 2021

Dear cryo-EM community,

We are looking for a talented and enthusiastic post-doctoral training fellow to join my laboratory in the Division of Structural Biology at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), based in central London. The position will be available from April 2021.

The mechanisms by which cells preserve the integrity of their genomes are critical to our understanding of cancer biology and are a focus of several research groups at the ICR. My team has been established recently, and we seek to recruit a post-doctoral research scientist who will pursue an innovative and multidisciplinary research project to investigate the molecular mechanisms of nucleotide excision repair by combining cryo-electron microscopy with biochemical and biophysical methods. Our previous contributions to the field of nucleotide excision repair include the determination of the complete structure of the human transcription factor IIH (Greber et al., Nature 549, 2017; Greber et al., eLife 8, 2019; Greber et al., PNAS 117, 2020), the centrepiece of this pathway.

This position will be suitable for experienced cryo-electron microscopists, but we also very much welcome applications from candidates with in-depth expertise in biochemistry of DNA/RNA-protein complexes, helicases, or DNA repair assemblies who take an interest in developing their structural biology skills.

The job posting as well as further information can be found at the link below. Please note that while informal enquiries by e-mail are welcome, applications will need to be submitted through the online portal accessible at the link:

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://icr.tal.net/vx/lang-en-GB/mobile-0/appcentre-1/brand-4/xf-0185be55778b/candidate/so/pm/1/pl/1/opp/1228-Post-Doctoral-Training-Fellow-Structural-Biology-DNA-repair/en-GB__;!!Mih3wA!Um5IlikO_M9O06Zs1gb3_LWvYsNj_seB78-n1eNq7I4xDQG3ji0LhN0TsdrBVN_9-w$  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://icr.tal.net/vx/lang-en-GB/mobile-0/appcentre-1/brand-4/xf-0185be55778b/candidate/so/pm/1/pl/1/opp/1228-Post-Doctoral-Training-Fellow-Structural-Biology-DNA-repair/en-GB__;!!Mih3wA!Um5IlikO_M9O06Zs1gb3_LWvYsNj_seB78-n1eNq7I4xDQG3ji0LhN0TsdrBVN_9-w$ >

I would appreciate if you could forward this opportunity to interested candidates who may not be subscribers to this list.

Thank you very much, and best regards,

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