[3dem] 2021 Virtual Birkbeck EMBO course “Image processing for cryo-electron microscopy"

Helen Saibil h.saibil at mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk
Mon Jun 14 14:36:44 PDT 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We will soon be opening applications for the 2021 Birkbeck/EMBO course “Image processing for cryo-electron microscopy”, to be held virtually 6-16 September.

The aim of the course is to provide in-depth understanding of theory and practice in cryo-EM image processing, covering basic topics such as Fourier Transforms, image formation and CTF, to more advanced ones such as Bayesian methods, subtomogram averaging, postprocessing, high resolution refinement and atomic model building.

A series of pre-recorded lectures will be provided to watch in advance, and during the course there will be live video Q&A sessions with the experts. These will be followed by practicals on a wide range of commonly used software. The practicals will mainly be led by the software developers, giving a unique chance to understand in depth the ‘black boxes’. In addition, we will have exciting live sessions and social interactions.

We will only be able to take a very limited number of applicants, who will be selected based on a series of required criteria:

skills and motivation:

- some existing level of exposure to cryo-EM
- basic familiarity with linux/command line operation
- a commitment to continuing work with cryo-EM and to spreading the knowledge locally.

technical requirements:

- a fast and stable internet connection
- ideally two monitors (or one plus a tablet: practicals will run on parallel guacamole and zoom sessions)

Applications will only be open for a short time (closing in early July); we are sending this message now so that you can gather all the necessary documents in advance. The application form will require a cover letter, a CV, and a letter of recommendation from your supervisor. Please make sure it is clear in these documents how you meet the above criteria. An email with the details on how to apply and the necessary links will be sent to this mailing list as soon as possible.

We will take participants from PhD level up, and we ask that only one application is sent from any institution.

The schedule for the course is attached here.

Best wishes

Giulia Zanetti
Helen Saibil
Carolyn Moores
Elena Orlova
Peter Rosenthal
Maya Topf
Natasha Lukoyanova

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