[3dem] Post-doctoral positions in Cryo-EM and Protein Crystallography of septins

Rodrigo Villares Portugal rodrigo.portugal at lnnano.cnpem.br
Fri Jun 11 08:13:44 PDT 2021

Dear all,

Richard Garratt's lab at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, is seeking for two post-docs to work on a project whose focus is "Septin Filaments: Structure, Polymerization and role in Pathologies". The positions are available for highly motivated candidates in the following fields:

A Post-doctoral position in Electron Microscopy: the candidate will be expected to use both negative stain and cryo-EM for the study of different oligomeric septin complexes in search of high-resolution structures and to answer specific biological questions. It is expected that complementary techniques, such as SAXS and MALS will also be employed when necessary.

A Post-doctoral position in Protein Crystallography: The candidate will be expected to continue our X-ray diffraction studies on septins to answer specific questions about septin biochemistry. These will involve septins from non-human species where there is currently a dearth of structural information.

Candidates should hold a doctoral degree for no more than seven years and have proven experience in Structural Biology with a willingness to learn new techniques. There are no restrictions on nationality.

Interested candidates should send applications by e-mail to Prof. Richard Garratt (richard at if.sc.usp.br<mailto:richard at if.sc.usp.br>) by 19/06/2021 including the following:

*             A letter describing which position you are applying for and describing your motivation
*             A CV including your academic experience, publications and related information demonstrating your research experience and abilities
*             A letter of reference

For more information see: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fapesp.br_oportunidades_filamentos-5Fde-5Fseptinas-3A-5Festrutura-2C-5Fpolimerizacao-5Fe-5Fatuacao-5Fem-5Fpatologias_4272_&d=DwIFAw&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=t-oAy-8XpqcYJKGkzSXHDyvH4yHhvdTwr3J52vjOrP8&s=4sRBy_Iw7JxsWRgvCwOj7bJw6Qe8qB3vPnT6XaZFsIE&e= 

Rodrigo Villares Portugal
Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory - LNNano
National Center for Energy and Materials Research - CNPEM
+ 55 (19) 3518-3121
rodrigo.portugal at lnnano.cnpem.br<mailto:rodrigo.portugal at lnnano.cnpem.br>

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