[3dem] PostDoc opportunity at Genentech (Ciferri Lab - 4 years Fellow)

Claudio Ciferri ciferri.claudio at gene.com
Mon Feb 8 08:20:32 PST 2021

Dear All,

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to join our cryo-EM
group in the Department of Structural Biology, to investigate protein
complexes involved in several disease areas, including Oncology, Infectious
Disease, Cancer Immunology, and Neurobiology. At Genentech, our
well-established cryo-EM group provides a unique opportunity for postdocs
to join our team. This will include state-of-the-art technology for
high-resolution data collection (2 Titan Krios equipped with Direct
Detector, Energy Filter and Volta Phase Plate & Glacios/Talos Screening
Microscope), a virtually unlimited computer cluster for data processing,
and the opportunity to be fostered in one of the most productive and
scientifically stimulating research environments.

*Who you are:*

   - Candidates must have a Ph.D. in structural biology, biochemistry,
   molecular biology, or a related field.

   - Expertise in protein purification, biophysical characterization, and
   structure determination of multi-protein complexes using X-ray
   crystallography and/or single-particle cryo-EM is required, as evidenced by
   a strong record of first-author publications in top peer-reviewed journals.

   - Experience in protein engineering along with biophysical
   characterization methods for protein-protein interactions, such as
   surface-plasmon resonance (SPR) or bio-layer interferometry (BLI), will be
   considered a plus.

   - Highly motivated and detail-oriented researcher, driven to solve
   complex scientific problems, and able to work both independently and in a
   collaborative environment.

   - Strong oral and written communication skills are required.

If interested, please apply directly here
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.gene.com/careers/find-a-job/apply/202102-102660__;!!Mih3wA!UZnDA5LmDu-fYYhHxwFSkGBRal_bEwgA75DKVkK8wa0sr_TeTVFJFcIAKd4xu5oGnA$ > or get in
touch for more information.


*More information about the Ciferri Lab:*

*More Information about the Genentech Postdoctoral Program:*

*Relevant Selected Publications:*
Kschonsak M. et al. (2021). Structures Of HCMV Trimer Reveal The Basis For
Receptor Recognition And Cell Entry. Cell, in Press

Kschonsak M. et al. (2020). Structure of the sodium leak channel NALCN
Nature 2020 Jul 22. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2570-8

Kumar N. et al. (2020) Structure of the Secretory Immunoglobulin A Core.
Science 367(6481):1008-1014. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz5807

Martinez-Martin et al. (2018). An Unbiased Screen for Human Cytomegalovirus
Identifies Neuropilin-2 as a Central Viral Receptor. Cell. 2018 Aug

*Who We Are:*
Genentech, a member of the Roche Group and founder of the biotechnology
industry, is dedicated to pursuing groundbreaking science to discover and
develop medicines for people with serious and life-threatening diseases. To
solve the world's most complex health challenges, we ask bigger questions
that challenge our industry and the boundaries of science to transform
society. Our transformational discoveries include the first targeted
antibody for cancer and the first medicine for primary progressive multiple

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) are critical to the success of our company
and our impact on society. We believe that by championing the diversity of
background, thought and experience, we can foster a sense of belonging and
provide an environment where every employee feels valued, included, and
able to contribute their best for the patients we serve. We’re focused on
attracting, retaining, developing, and advancing our people to their full
potential by rewarding bold ways of thinking and integrating inclusive
behaviors into every aspect of our work.

The next step is yours. To apply today, click on the "Apply for this job"

Genentech is an equal opportunity employer & prohibits unlawful
discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
gender identity/expression, national origin/ancestry, age, disability,
marital & veteran status. For more information about equal employment
opportunities, visit our Genentech Careers page.

*Claudio Ciferri*
Director of Structural Biology - Principal Scientist
Genentech, Inc.
1 DNA Way, MS: 247
South San Francisco, CA 94080

office: (650) 4674946
cell: (510) 5013763
ciferri.claudio at gene.com
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