[3dem] Relion issue Autopick - 2D classification

Lucia luciatorressanchez3 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 03:17:22 PDT 2021

Hi all,

Sorry for bother and thanks for your patience/help. I’m trying to use
Relion to Autopick (Laplacian) a set of elongated particles that are around
150A long. I managed to get a nice set of 2D classes in Cryosparc but,
since I have preferential orientation, people recommend me to use Relion to
redo my dataset analysis.

But... I'm really stuck, I have no experience with Relion and I don't
manage to get any good autopicking that lead me to a 2D classification
(even a preliminar one to re do the picking after), I just get black images
or nonsense in the 2D classification, even when I check the images after
the autopicking and they don't look bad.

Honestly idk what to put here about the parameters that I'm using because I
tried a bunch but blindly (since I have no idea neither experience).

I was hoping someone could give me some suggestions that help me to
overcome that point because I'm desperate.

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