[3dem] Facility manager position in the 3D-EM facility at the Karolinska Institutet

Martin Hällberg martin.hallberg at ki.se
Thu Apr 15 05:26:22 PDT 2021

Dear all,

A facility manager position is available in the 3D-EM facility at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.

The facility is located in newly built premises, specifically designed for high-end electron (cryo) microscopy. The facility currently features a Krios G3i with a Bioquantum K3, an Aquilos 2 cryo-FIB-SEM, a Leica SP8 cryo-confocal, a Talos 120C G2 and a range of sample-preparation equipment. All electron microscopes in the facility are operated remotely from a control room in daylight and there are two specially built rooms with 10% relative humidity for cryo work.

Please learn more and apply at the following link:


Best regards,

Martin Hällberg

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