[3dem] Postdoctoral positions in cryo-EM available at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Dokland, Terje dokland at uab.edu
Fri Apr 2 11:36:11 PDT 2021

Two postdoctoral positions are available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Terje Dokland in the Department of Microbiology (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.uab.edu/medicine/microbiology__;!!Mih3wA!WfMOGMRNnrBWOIVo7zs9xlJ3aQpFLFr8XaEXD5nGe3GLXXyAPNxyb78njXD-peliPg$ ) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
The successful candidates will be involved in various extramurally and internally funded projects related to bacteriophage-induced genetic mobilization and host range determination, bacterial ribosome assembly, and antibacterial development, as well as various collaborative projects in infectious disease and cancer research. The primarily focus is on structure determination by cryo-EM and 3D reconstruction methods, but other structural biology and biochemistry approaches are also employed. The candidates should have a Ph.D. in structural biology, biophysics or biochemistry. Strong preparative skills and experience with cryo-EM and/or 3D reconstruction are highly desirable.
The UAB cryo-EM lab is currently equipped with a Tecnai F20 with Gatan K3 detector; a Thermo Fisher Glacios instrument has been ordered with funds from a recent S10 award to Dr. Dokland and is expected to be installed in a renovated facility in the fall of 2021. We also have access to high-end cryo-EM facilities at FSU and Purdue. UAB also has excellent facilities for NMR, MS and X-ray crystallography.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham is a major medical and academic center in the Southeast and has one of the top medical schools in the country, with >$300 million in annual extramural funding (#20 in the country). The UAB Microbiology department ranked #8 in NIH funding in 2020. Birmingham is a mid-sized city in beautiful surroundings near the southern tip of the Appalachian mountains. The city center has undergone considerable development in recent years, and has lots of dining, entertainment and recreational opportunities.
Interested candidates should send a letter describing their previous research and current research interests, their CV, and contact information for three referees to:
Terje Dokland, Department of Microbiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, dokland at uab.edu<mailto:dokland at uab.edu>
Informal requests about the positions are welcome.


Terje Dokland, PhD


Department of Microbiology

University of Alabama at Birmingham

845 19th St South, BBRB 311

Birmingham, AL 35294

Tel: (205) 996 4502

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