[3dem] postdoc positions at MRC-LMB & CCPEM/STFC

Sjors Scheres scheres at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Fri Sep 25 04:45:46 PDT 2020

Dear EM-ers,

We are excited to announce two new PDRA positions in the Scheres’ group 
(MRC-LMB, UK) and the CCP-EM group (STFC RAL, UK).  These two positions
will work closely together as part of a wider project with the Alan
Turing Institute and the Department of Applied Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University to investigate molecular
structure from images under physical constraints.

In brief, the LMB position will focus on developing and implementing new
machine-learning-driven algorithms within the RELION framework.  The
STFC position will focus on the data capture and training for these
algorithms (as well as for the wider community), alongside application
to molecular modelling.  For full details and application please see:

LMB position:


STFC position:


For those interested in both positions, we encourage you to apply for
both. If you are unsure or would like further information please contact us.

Best wishes,

Tom and Sjors

Sjors Scheres
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Cambridge CB2 0QH, U.K.
tel: +44 (0)1223 267061

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