[3dem] CryoTEM/nsTEM Scientist position at Vioronova, AB (Sweden)

Vanessa Carvalho vanessaisabeldiascarvalho at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 02:41:50 PDT 2020

Dear 3DEM list,

I would like to bring your attention to the open position for a
cryoTEM/nsTEM Scientist at Vironova, AB in Sweden. Please do share this
advertisement among your PhD, MSc and BSc students with experience in TEM.

*For this position, you are expected to:*

   - Have theoretical and practical experience for at least 6 months in
   performing the full process that involves negative stain electron
   microscopy and/or cryo electron microscopy
   - Have at least 2 years of experience in laboratory work with biological
   samples within at least biosafety level 1 category
   - Be willing to learn more about the electron microscopy technique
   adapted to the environment and routines that we have in place at our
   - Have a good team player attitude since all the different tasks of the
   job offer are multidisciplinary tasks and involve communication with
   different departments at Vironova as well as clients
   - Have good communication skills in English (written and spoken)

*If you are interested for further details and application please go to:*
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://careers.vironova.com/jobs/983395-scientist-electron-microscopy__;!!Mih3wA!WmSY2IjNP12_LAE_nUuv1tD5Ha_SOou9aaKCwnwduKGeMPQNz7W5tPdp3cbtDd1L1Q$ >*

Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
Vanessa Carvalho
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