[3dem] Postdoctoral position in Membrane Protein Biochemistry and CryoEM

Vasileios Petrou vasileios.petrou at rutgers.edu
Mon Oct 12 11:42:38 PDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

A postdoctoral position is available in the Petrou lab at Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School (Newark, NJ) for an NIH-funded project. Our research focuses on the structural biology of membrane proteins using single-particle cryoEM. Our goal is to characterize the structure and function of bacterial membrane enzymes involved in antibiotic resistance, and eukaryotic receptors and enzymes relevant to human physiology and pathology.

The Petrou Lab is located in Newark, New Jersey, 20 min away from New York city. The Rutgers New Jersey CryoEM/ET facility, located in Piscataway, New Jersey, provides access to cryoEM and cryoET instrumentation including a 200kV Talos Arctica microscope, an Aquilos 2 FIB-SEM microscope, Leica cryo-CLEM setup, and other equipment (i.e. Vitrobot, glow dischargers, etc.). An additional screening facility that will house a 120kV Talos L120C microscope equipped with speed-enhanced Ceta camera, and sample preparation equipment, is being commissioned and will be located in the same building as the Petrou Lab.

The Postdoctoral Fellow will be responsible for the expression, purification and structure determination by single-particle cryoEM of membrane proteins relevant to polymyxin antibiotic resistance. Projects involving eukaryotic membrane protein targets are also available. Moreover, the Postdoctoral Fellow will assist the PI in lab organization, daily operations, personnel training, and grant writing activities.

The candidate must have a Ph.D. in Structural Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, or related fields. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in membrane protein expression and purification and/or single-particle cryoEM. Good communication & organizational skills and the ability to work independently are important for this position. Salary will be commensurate to the candidate's experience and qualifications and based on the Rutgers salary schedule.

Interested candidates can find additional details and apply online at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jobs.rutgers.edu/postings/117929__;!!Mih3wA!XgS0se9XPD1Z1lp99h863opyo4Jv312wpc1YC2L78s_SIx1aox-g-UNxzRonoCJY-g$  - A short cover letter, resume/CV and contact information for three references is required. Candidates applying to the position will be evaluated on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

For further information candidates can contact me via email (vasileios.petrou at rutgers.edu<mailto:vasileios.petrou at rutgers.edu>) or direct message on Twitter (@VasileiosPetrou).

Best regards,

Vasileios Petrou, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and Chancellor Scholar
Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics,
and Center for Immunity and Inflammation,
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
225 Warren Street
Newark, NJ 07103

Office: (973) 972-4498
Lab: (973) 972-5217
Email: vasileios.petrou at rutgers.edu<mailto:vasileios.petrou at rutgers.edu>
Twitter: @VasileiosPetrou
Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://njms-web.njms.rutgers.edu/profile/myProfile.php?mbmid=vp440__;!!Mih3wA!XgS0se9XPD1Z1lp99h863opyo4Jv312wpc1YC2L78s_SIx1aox-g-UNxzRrMPh_w6w$ 

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