[3dem] Postdoc position in membrane protein structural biology at Case Western Reserve University

Nami Tajima nxt193 at case.edu
Sun Oct 11 17:01:43 PDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,
The laboratory of Nami Tajima at Case Western Reserve University School of
Medicine is seeking a highly motivated and creative individual with
expertise in structural biology and molecular
neuroscience/electrophysiology to elucidate the molecular mechanism of
ligand-gated ion channel signaling complexes. Our research interests are
focused on (i) understanding the regulatory mechanisms of ion channels
involved in basic brain functions and neurological diseases, (ii)
dissecting the signaling networks/ protein-protein interactions in the
context of synaptic signaling, and (iii) structure-based drug discovery. We
take an interdisciplinary approach and combined methods from Cryo-EM, X-ray
crystallography, electrophysiology, molecular and cellular biology, and
biochemistry/biophysics. Case Western Reserve University is equipped with
state-of-art structural biology facility including screening microscopes,
and a Titan Krios with a K3 camera. Lab members are encouraged to attend
meetings, conferences, and workshops to network with other scientists, and
to apply for fellowships and grants to expand the opportunities.
The successful candidate for the postdoctoral researcher must have a recent
Ph.D. obtained within three years (or being in the process of completing
one) in a relevant field with a demonstrated track record of productive
research. Expertise in one or more of the following areas; biochemistry,
biophysics, protein expression and purification, cryo-EM, X-ray
crystallography, electrophysiology, neuroscience, cell biology, mass
spectrometry, and invitro and in vivo fluorescence imaging. Interested
applicants should submit (1) a cover letter describing research interests
and career goals; (2) a CV; and (3) contact information for 2-3 references
by email to Nami Tajima at nxt193 at case.edu.
Follow link for more details:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/case.edu/tajimalab/contact-us__;!!Mih3wA!Te4BcDdDNB_wgHSvxXFxQD_oReUak42eipMStoEVVUqL85B55jiNXtY-2Xh9INeeUA$ ,

Best wishes,

Nami Tajima, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
2109 Adelbert Road, Robbins Bldg E619
Cleveland, OH 44106
nxt193 at case.edu
Office: 216-368-5519
Cell: 516-655-9045
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