[3dem] Faculty position in Biochemistry at University of Missouri

White, Tommi A. whiteto at missouri.edu
Wed Oct 7 18:47:15 PDT 2020

Dear 3DEM colleagues,

University of Missouri<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://missouri.edu/__;!!Mih3wA!UHzjhgmr0RN16DbuWfB9IthhdGX5yrPoixDnKQBr3v8KNIOW3UmuTjjOt-3DNcvKeQ$ > is recruiting for a faculty member (all levels!) in the Department of Biochemistry.  Applications are due November 16th, 2020.

CryoEM is an area we wish to strengthen, including in situ cryoET.  The University's Electron Microscopy Core<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://emc.missouri.edu/__;!!Mih3wA!UHzjhgmr0RN16DbuWfB9IthhdGX5yrPoixDnKQBr3v8KNIOW3UmuTjjOt-0-Blh4Zw$ > will be installing the following new microscopes in the $260M NextGen Precision Health Institute<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://precisionhealth.umsystem.edu/institute/__;!!Mih3wA!UHzjhgmr0RN16DbuWfB9IthhdGX5yrPoixDnKQBr3v8KNIOW3UmuTjjOt-38hnPCvw$ >: Titan Krios G4 CryoTEM with Bioquantum K3, Aquilos 2, Leica Thunder CryoCLEM and VolumeScope.  Additional instruments to be added include Hydra PFIB and Spectra Aberration-Corrected TEM with Continuum K3.  These additions are part of a recent partnership with Thermo Fisher Scientific to create a "Center of Excellence in Electron Microscopy<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://emcfiles.missouri.edu/pdf/EMC_UGM2020_all.pdf__;!!Mih3wA!UHzjhgmr0RN16DbuWfB9IthhdGX5yrPoixDnKQBr3v8KNIOW3UmuTjjOt-28R_NUwA$ >" with the University of Missouri System focused on 3 areas: instrumentation innovation, research/collaboration between basic/clinical sciences, and workforce development with STEM training and education.  This is a great opportunity to get on the ground floor and help us build something amazing.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions!  We look forward to your applications and would appreciate if you could let interested colleagues know too!

Tommi A. White, Ph.D.
Director, Electron Microscopy Core
Assistant Research Professor, Biochemistry
University of Missouri
Mail:      W117 Veterinary Medicine Bldg
               1520 E Rollins St., Columbia, MO 65211
EMC:     573-882-8304
Direct:   573-884-7338
Email:    whiteto at missouri.edu<mailto:whiteto at missouri.edu>
Web:     https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://emc.missouri.edu__;!!Mih3wA!UHzjhgmr0RN16DbuWfB9IthhdGX5yrPoixDnKQBr3v8KNIOW3UmuTjjOt-2bo7kpsw$ <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__emc.missouri.edu_&d=DwMFAg&c=q6k2DsTcEGCcCb_WtVSz6hhIl8hvYssy7sH8ZwfbbKU&r=xA9-qm9RPeYvEyT8VSqAujpLCG4cWJloTCfPANilnto&m=ON77pnJX2MztmnWfz-5Q3N0fIh0ZJBcVfi7MoPue5N4&s=8QVEGzm9LqZqJtmyFiJX_d6ZL0em_BVDY1c7_ig5_nA&e=>

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