[3dem] MotionCor2 1.3.1 released

Shawn Zheng szheng at msg.ucsf.edu
Tue Feb 4 12:32:53 PST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

This new release further improves the performance. By running 8 single-GPU
jobs concurrently on a GPU machine equipped with 8 2080ti cards, 759 GB CPU
memory, and dual-root system of PCIe buses, we are able to motion-correct 8
K3 movies of 200 super-res frames in ~150s. At this speed, motion
correction can be done in real time.

Several bugs were fixed, including generating motion corrected stack, raw
sum, and slow-loading of MRC movies.

The valuable inputs from Jonathan, Guillaume, and Kristopher of NVIDIA are
greatly appreciated. And thank you, the community, for your support and
feedback that inspires me to continue to improve MotionCor2.

Best regards,
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