[3dem] Two postdoctoral positions at Baylor College of Medicine

Pengxiang Huang cnssolve at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 13:31:01 PST 2020

Dear all,

Two postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Pengxiang
Huang, Assistant Professor and CPRIT scholar in cancer research in the
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Baylor College of Medicine.
With the long-standing interest in sterol lipids, the Huang lab
investigates the poorly understood mechanisms involved in Hedgehog (Hh) and
Wnt signal transduction, two related pathways that play critical roles in
development, regeneration and cancer. We utilize a combination of
biochemistry, cell, chemical and structural biology approaches, including
both X-ray crystallography and Cryo-EM. Recently, we identified cholesterol
as the endogenous ligand for Smoothened (SMO), the key signal transducer
and oncoprotein in the Hh pathway (Cell. 166:1176-87). We also
characterized the structural and oncogenic basis of SMO activation,
demonstrating for the first time the active conformation of a class F GPCR
(Cell. 174:312-24). This work together builds the foundation for our
studies aimed at dissecting Hh signaling and its therapeutic implications,
and to expand the scope of our research to study signal transduction in the
related Wnt pathway. The highly interdisciplinary and collaborative
environment of our group will thus provide unique career development
opportunities for future postdoctoral trainees.

We are seeking highly-motivated candidates with a Ph.D. in biomedical
sciences and significant experience in molecular biology, protein
biochemistry and/or cell biology. Prior knowledge in structural biology
(X-ray crystallography or Cryo-EM) is highly desirable, but not required.
Candidates should have a documented publication record in peer-reviewed
journals, able to work both independently and as an effective team member.

To apply, please send your CV, a short summary of research experience, and
three reference letters to cnssolve[at]gmail.com.
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