[3dem] Post-Doc position available in the Mancia Lab at Columbia Univ

Mancia, Filippo fm123 at cumc.columbia.edu
Fri Sep 13 08:02:35 PDT 2019

Dear Colleagues,
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc to join the Mancia Lab in the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University in New York, USA.
Our primary interest lies in the structure and function of eukaryotic and prokaryotic membrane proteins, with a focus on membrane embedded enzymes involved in lipid metabolism, and transporters. For specific details on the lab and our research visit: www.mancialab.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.mancialab.com&d=DwMFAg&c=G2MiLlal7SXE3PeSnG8W6_JBU6FcdVjSsBSbw6gcR0U&r=2AtTvkOCHFu1KJHzGmMtR98hLnmN055h-qvyMSAIyoI&m=k5jyHP1XPG4ZZC2RRfLY03zhiC8jgSsTTLDDGNCn7pA&s=7fYbzrMA7s_5gG5gAzlmSegrqOuXstK20hET_SRfihY&e=>.
The ideal candidate should have a PhD in biochemistry or structural biology (or related field). Experience in single-particle electron microscopy and/or X-ray crystallography, as well as membrane protein biochemistry is preferred.
The structural biology environment at Columbia is excellent. We have multiple screening microscopes, several Krios microscopes, and routine access to synchrotron beamlines (APS and NSLSII). Additionally, we are closely associated with the NY Structural Biology Center (www.nysbc.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.nysbc.org&d=DwMFAg&c=G2MiLlal7SXE3PeSnG8W6_JBU6FcdVjSsBSbw6gcR0U&r=2AtTvkOCHFu1KJHzGmMtR98hLnmN055h-qvyMSAIyoI&m=k5jyHP1XPG4ZZC2RRfLY03zhiC8jgSsTTLDDGNCn7pA&s=3c5gmdQL6cej-bM7Nl-J43DYv-UJjRALiFkQ1l8boAk&e=>), and have access to their numerous resources and facilities.
Interested candidates should send me (fm123 at cumc.columbia.edu<mailto:fm123 at cumc.columbia.edu>) their CV, a brief description of prior research accomplishments, and contact information for references.
Informal enquiries are also welcome! The position is open now.

Filippo Mancia, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Co-Director Graduate Education
Dept. of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics
Columbia University
1150 St. Nicholas Avenue
Russ Berrie pavilion, room 520B
New York, NY 10032

Tel +1 212 851 5367
Fax +1 212 851 5346
Email fm123 at cumc.columbia.edu<mailto:fm123 at cumc.columbia.edu>
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