[3dem] Micrographs manual sorting relion3

Julien Bous julien.bous at etu.umontpellier.fr
Thu Nov 22 09:18:21 PST 2018

Dear All,

I wish to realise a sorting of my realigned micrographs in Relion3, in 
order to get rid of broken ice area. I wanted to do it in the subset 
selection mode but I was not able to set a lowpass filter in this mode 
and it was challenging to asses the micrographs quality. I thougt to do 
it in the manual picking mode or manually, with eman , but in this way I 
can just display the micrographs one by one and it'll be very time 
consuming. Therefore if anyone  knows how to realise this task 
effectively I'll be glad to know your opinion.



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