[3dem] Tomography to visualize interaction of liposomes

Sonali Dhindwal sdhindwal at ccny.cuny.edu
Thu Aug 10 19:56:40 PDT 2017

?Dear 3DEM group members,

I have been studying the interaction of my protein of interest (~900 KDa and ~200Å in size) with liposomes (~2000Å is size).
Biochemical assays demonstrates their interaction and so is the images collected by negative stain and Cryo-EM.
To clearly visualize interaction, I have collected few tomograms. Though, after processing the tomograms and going through the slices, liposomes and protein seem to be in different layers.
In initial slices, I can see all the liposomes and in the later slices I see all the protein molecules. And going through the slices, first I see liposomes and as they start to fade away, I start to see the protein molecules and few protein molecules lying very close to the liposomes.
Is this normal ?
I am looking for any suggestions or advice that can be done either during processing of data or preparation of grids  that can help to improve the visualization of interactions among these molecules.
Thanks and Regards

Sonali Dhindwal
Post Doc

"The dream is not that you see in sleep, dream is which does not let you sleep."?

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