[3dem] Relion project program

Robert Bosman baudolino at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Nov 14 04:50:15 PST 2014

Hi, I am trying to create some back projections with some added gaussian noise which this executable seems to have the ability to do. While I can generate back projections they don't appear to have had any noise applied. I am not sure if i am entering the information incorrectly`which relion_project` --i /fbs/amytox/bs11rb/qbeta/Refine3D/autopick/nonastig_300mask_2D_it2_3Drep_it1_autorefine_it1_class001.mrc --o /fbs/amytox/bs11rb/qbeta/asym/ctfcorrect.mrc --ctf --angpix 1.35 --rot 162.962460 --tilt 45.734835 --psi -9.699249 --add_noise 1 --white_noise 1.I am on the whole confused as to how this is supposed to work.Thank youRobert Bosman
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