[3dem] Tenure track Faculty position McGill University

Isabelle Rouiller isabelle.rouiller at mcgill.ca
Mon Jul 8 18:40:15 PDT 2013

The Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, McGill University (http://www.mcgill.ca/anatomy) invites applications for a tenure-track/tenured faculty position in Cell and Molecular Biology associated with the Facility for Electron Microscopy Research (FEMR: http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/femr). We seek candidates with notable research achievements that have the ability to develop a well-funded independent research program and show a commitment to excellence in research and education. Candidates should have a Ph.D., postdoctoral experience and demonstrate ability to develop a vibrant research program.

The applicant's research program should involve the application of cryo-electron microscopy to address novel structural questions relating to biochemistry, membrane biology, cell biology, molecular biology, neurobiology, microbiology, or other fields. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a program of correlative microscopy to integrate optical (light) and electron microscopy with a view to performing cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET).

The Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology offers suitable laboratory space, houses a unique electron microscopy facility <www.medicine.mcgill.ca/femr> and provides access to state of the art facilities in cellular imaging, structural biology, genomics including new generation sequencing and proteomics, tissue analysis, as well as mouse facilities with homologous recombination and transgenic services. These facilities provide all the necessary skills and highly specialized equipment for cutting edge research.

FEMR is a world-class research facility for the imaging and analysis of a wide range of biological and nonbiological materials. FEMR comprises 5 transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) including a FEI Titan Krios FE-S/TEM (300 kV with 4k x 4k CCD and GIF), a FEI Tecnai G2 F20 cryo-FE-S/TEM (200 kV with 4 k x 4k CCD, GIF and EDAX), FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit 120 kV cryo-TEM and FEI Tecnai 12 TEM (120 kV) as well as advanced equipment for sample preparation. FEMR also is funded to acquire a cryogenic focused ion beam - ultrahigh resolution scanning electron microscope (cryo-FIBSEM), which will make McGill a national leader in cryo-EM and one of only a handful of similar facilities in the world.

Candidates should submit an application package that includes a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a 1-2 page summary of research accomplishments, a 1-2 page description of future research plans, copies of 1 to 3 major publications, a statement of teaching experience and/or interest, and arrange for three letters of recommendation. Complete applications must be sent to Dr Craig Mandato, Chair, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, McGill University, 3640 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C7 (email: craig.mandato at mcgill.ca)

McGill University is committed to equity in employment and diversity. It welcomes applications from indigenous peoples, visible minorities, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, women, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities and others who may contribute to further diversification.

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

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