[3dem] floating EM grids

Guenter Resch guenter.resch at imba.oeaw.ac.at
Wed Sep 8 02:49:45 PDT 2010

Hi Roman,

> We regularly grow cells on EM grids and have the problem that these
> grids have the tendency to float during culture or transport. 
> Does anybody have similar experience and more important do you know
> any tricks to keep these grids on the bottom?

in my experience, glow discharging the grids thoroughly before cell
culture (if that is compatible with the support film you are using)
helps to get rid of the tiny air bubbles that tend to get trapped on
the grid bars and make the grids float.

In one case, I needed my grids fixed in one place. I have used plastic
coverslips with a central 2.5 mm hole glued to the bottom of the
culture dish using high vac grease ...

Hope that helps,


Dr. Guenter Resch, IMP-IMBA-GMI Electron Microscopy Facility
Email: guenter.resch at imba.oeaw.ac.at; Web: http://cores.imp.ac.at/em
Phone: +43 (1) 79044-4250; Fax/Voice Mail: +43 (1) 79044-224250
Post: Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3, 1030 Vienna, Austria, European Union

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