[3dem] Protein size for negative staining at rotary shadowing

Guenter Resch guenter.resch at imba.oeaw.ac.at
Mon Sep 6 07:58:22 PDT 2010

Dear all,

thanks a lot for the feedback on this topic both on the list as well as
by direct replies. I was asked several times to summarise the replies I
get, so I will do that on here:

- There is consensus that particles > 100 kDa can be visualised by
  negative staining with some certainty and detail.

- There are also examples of particles in the 30-40 kDa range being
  identified in negatively stained specimens, for example in Tichelaar
  et al. (1980) Ultramicroscopy 5, 27-33 (STEM) or Tskhovrebova et al.
  (2010) J Mol Biol 397, 1092-1105 ... so also a little hope for
  smaller proteins to be localised.

Not much input about the minimum particle size for rotary shadowing ...
and sorry about the confusion, of course I did not plan to do negative
staining and rotary shadowing on the same specimen, but either the one
or the other method.



Dr. Guenter Resch, IMP-IMBA-GMI Electron Microscopy Facility
Email: guenter.resch at imba.oeaw.ac.at; Web: http://cores.imp.ac.at/em
Phone: +43 (1) 79044-4250; Fax/Voice Mail: +43 (1) 79044-224250
Post: Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3, 1030 Vienna, Austria, European Union

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