[3dem] Scanners available

Steven Ludtke sludtke at bcm.edu
Tue May 19 13:14:44 PDT 2009

Hi everyone. The NCMI is doing a bit of remodeling, and as a result,  
we need to get rid of some older
scannerst. Specifically, we have a PDS scanner (metal case, not  
marble), and a (first or second generation) Zeiss

For those who aren't familiar with them, the PDS scanners are amazing  
instruments, which use a microscope as a scan head,
digitizing one pixel at a time. What that means is you can spend 4  
hours scanning a single micrograph, but it has basically
perfect MTF (modified by the aperture you select, of course). ie -  
it's great for testing and quantitative film scanning, but
isn't of much practical use in high throughput scanning.

The Zeiss was fully functional the last time it was turned on, we  
simply started using Nikon 8000s/9000s instead. However,
for those of you who don't believe in the Nikon, this may be just what  
you're looking for.  I believe we still have the
SGI to drive it even  :^)

Please let me know if you're interested, we need to get rid of these  
in the next few weeks so construction can begin.
One way or another they will be gone very soon.

Steven Ludtke, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Co-Director National Center For Macromolecular Imaging
Dept of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.
Baylor College of Medicine
sludtke at bcm.edu
stevel at alumni.caltech.edu

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