[3dem] Postdoctoral position in cryo-EM of poliovirus

David Belnap David_Belnap at byu.edu
Tue Jan 6 14:09:03 PST 2009

My laboratory is interested in structural characterization of the cell- 
entry pathway of poliovirus.  I invite interested persons to apply for  
a post-doctoral position in my laboratory to study asymmetric aspects  
of that process.  To this end, we have NIH funding and a long-term  
collaboration with the laboratory of James Hogle at Harvard Medical  

The ideal applicant will have a Ph.D. in structural biology with  
experience in cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography, or NMR.  Those with  
experience in image processing of cryo-EM images (including algorithm  
development) are especially encouraged to apply.  I invite  
applications from people with experience in biophysics, as well.   
Salary will be commensurate with experience.  The position is  
available immediately.  Applications will be accepted until the  
position is filled.

Interested persons should send a CV (with a list of publications and a  
statement of research interests) and the names of three references to  

David Belnap

  David M. Belnap
  Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  Brigham Young University
  Provo, Utah 84602  USA

  Phone:  801-422-9163
  FAX:      801-422-0153
  David.Belnap at byu.edu

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