[3dem] Post-doctoral position at Brandeis University

Niko Grigorieff niko at brandeis.edu
Tue Sep 16 07:33:40 PDT 2008

Post-doctoral position at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at 
Brandeis University

A post-doctoral position is immediately available to work on the 
development of new computational methods for the analysis of images of 
helical specimens, such as amyloid fibrils. Our laboratory has a 
well-established electron microscope facility, and equipment for 
protein purification, sample preparation, and image processing. Image 
data are currently being generated by several projects in our 
laboratory. Processing is performed on a dedicated Linux computer 
cluster and several workstations.

The role of the post-doctoral researcher will be to improve existing, 
and develop new image processing algorithms to push structure 
determination by electron microscopy towards atomic resolution. 
Experience in electron cryo-microscopy and image processing is 
desirable, but not required.

Interested individuals should contact Dr. Nikolaus Grigorieff 
(niko at brandeis.edu) and include a CV, statement of research interests, 
and the names, addresses and e-mails of three references.

Nikolaus Grigorieff

Professor of Biochemistry
Howard Hughes Medical Institute                   Tel: 781-736-2444
Brandeis University - MS029                       Fax: 781-736-2419
415 South Street                           email: niko at brandeis.edu
Waltham, MA 02454-9110

Web Page: http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/faculty01/grigorieff.html

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