[3dem] Single-sided blotting in Vitrobot?

Fred Sigworth fred.sigworth at yale.edu
Wed Dec 10 13:41:19 PST 2008

Has anyone had success in using the Vitrobot to freeze a specimen that  
needs blotting only on one side?  On the one hand we have specimens  
with ultra-thin carbon over a holey film.  The vitrobot quite reliably  
breaks the films (perhaps due to dry filter-paper fibers contacting  
them?).  On the other hand, we have streptavidin crystals spanning  
holes, where the crystals are formed on a lipid monolayer which  
presents a dry, hydrophobic surface on one side.  It would be great if  
we could use the Vitrobot to freeze these things.

-Fred Sigworth

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