Recent requests to subscribe to 3DEM mailing list

David Foster foster at
Mon Jun 27 13:21:46 PDT 2005

This is Dave Foster, maintainer for the 3DEM mailing list.

Recently I have received numerous requests to approve subscriptions
to the 3DEM mailing list, for people who are already members of 3DEM.
Apparently these requests are also being emailed to members of the list
and causing some confusion.

I believe these requests are some automated scheme to get email list
maintainers to have "known" usernames added to lists, so that the
usernames can later be used to send spam to the list members. This is
just a theory at this point. I am a computer professional so I am
paranoid by nature!

If anyone has received such a request, if you could forward the request
to me with all headers included I would greatly appreciate it, it will
help me track down the source of these messages.

In the meantime, you can ignore messages of this type as 3DEM will never
send out such requests to resubscribe.

Dave Foster

    David Foster    National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research
     IT Manager, Programmer   University of California, San Diego
     dfoster[at]ucsd[dot]edu  Department of CRBS, Mail 0608
     (858) 534-7968 

    "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
    persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore, all 
    depends on the unreasonable."   -- George Bernard Shaw

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