Conventions Paper, Draft

David Belnap David_Belnap at
Tue Jan 25 08:43:54 PST 2005

Dear Colleagues,

Bernard Heymann, Monica Chagoyen, and I have written a paper outlining 
common conventions for our field. The purpose of the conventions is to 
provide better data exchange between software packages and standards 
for archiving in the EM Data Bank.

Before we submit the paper for publication, we would like to get 
additional input from you. Please click on the following URL to 
download a PDF file of the document:

We are particularly interested in making sure that areas of our field 
in which we have less expertise are adequately covered (e.g. tomography 
and helical reconstruction).

We attempted to set conventions that are general, common, and clear. We 
also tried to be fair to all in the field by not simply selecting the 
conventions of one software package.

Please send your comments to me at David_Belnap at by Feb. 25, 
2005.  We will submit the paper shortly thereafter.

Thank you.


   David M. Belnap
   Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
   Brigham Young University
   Provo, Utah 84602  USA

   Phone:  801-422-9163
   FAX:      801-422-0153
   David_Belnap at

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