[3DEM] Gatan cryopluge

Bill Tivol tivol at caltech.edu
Tue Feb 8 09:59:31 PST 2005

On Feb 8, 2005, at 3:28 AM, Oscar Llorca wrote:

>  We are evaluating the acquisition of a GATAN cryopluger for the 
> vitrification of protein samples for
>  cryoEM.
>  We wonder if the automatic blotting device really works and whether  
> it is really an advantage compared
>  to a home-made plunger.
>  Does anyone have experience in the use of this Gatan plunger?
Dear Oscar,
	We have been using our Vitrobot--now an FEI product--for about two 
years now, and we have found it to be an excellent instrument.  We can 
consistently get grids with about 90% suitable ice.  Two of our people 
have recently used a later model, and they found that both the new 
shield, meant to improve the process of transferring grids from liquid 
ethane to LN2, and the new software were less satisfactory than the 
older system.  If the GATAN cryoplunger is not the same as the 
Vitrobot, there will be differences in the details; however, automating 
the plunging process is very desirable.
Bill Tivol, PhD
EM Scientist and Manager
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility
Broad Center, Mail Code 114-96
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena CA 91125
(626) 395-8833
tivol at caltech.edu

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