EMAN 1.61 released

Steve Ludtke stevel at blake.3dem.bioch.bcm.tmc.edu
Tue Sep 14 23:11:52 PDT 2004

Hi all. There were numerous problems people encountered with EMAN 1.60 due
to HDF library incompatibilities. Thanks to a very clever programmer
(Liwei Peng), we have now been able to compile EMAN with
semistatic linking without making the binaries too large. What this
means is that all of those problems with moving libraries from altlib,
picking the right version, etc should (hopefully) be gone. There are now
only 3 linux binaries which should run on virtually any modern linux
release (we have tested several, RH8 or newer/equivalent). The 3 binaries
are 'linux', 'linux for clusters', 'linux for Athlons/Opterons/clusters'.
There is also an installer script you can find in the EMAN directory
after unpacking. This will do a few final configuration tasks for you
automatically. In addition some improvements have been made to the
windows binary release, though it is still very definitely a
beta-release, and is mainly provided for use with the graphical tools
rather than running refinements. There is still no OSX binary due to
continuing fluctuations in OSX itself, but numerous people have
successfully compiled from source.

Most of the 1.61 changes have been bugfixes. A few feature enhancements
have also been made, including more features in 'qindex', a program for
interactive evaluation of 2D crystal images, and 'tiltseries', a program
for aligning and assigning Eulers to a series of tilt images from a


As usual, please address questions and complaints to me. If you find a
fault with the new binaries or installer, please let me know ASAP, so
they can be fixed. Thanks!

Steven Ludtke, PhD              |        Baylor College of Medicine
sludtke at bcm.tmc.edu             |       Asst. Professor & Co-Director
stevel at alumni.caltech.edu       | National Center For Macromolecular Imaging
V: (713)798-9020                |    Dept of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.
F: (713)798-1625                |
instant messenger: sludtke42    |             Those who Do, Are
http://ncmi.bcm.tmc.edu/~stevel |         The converse also applies

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